MVC Controller - Getting Started

A Complete example for creating a hellow world PDF file from an MVC Controller in C#

Nuget Packages

Make sure you install the Nuget Packages

This will add the latest version of the Scryber.Core nuget package, and the Scryber.Core.Mvc extension methods.

Add the XML Schema files to help with the intellisense

Add a document template

In our applications we like to add our templates to a PDF folder the Views folder. You can break it down however works for you, but for a create a new XML file called HelloWorld.pdfx in your folder.

And paste the following content into the file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<pdf:Document xmlns:pdf=""
                <pdf:Label>Hello World, from scryber.</pdf:Label>

Your solution should look something like this.


For for more information on the namespaces and mappings see this [About Namespaces](namespaces-and-assemblies) documentation

Controller code

Add a new controller to your project, and a couple of namespaces are important to add to the top of your controller.

using Scryber.Components;
using Scryber.Components.Mvc;

Add the Web host service

In order to nicely reference files in your view, add a reference to the IWebHostEnvironment to your home controller constructor.

private readonly IWebHostEnvironment _env;

public HomeController(IWebHostEnvironment environment)
    _env = environment;

Add a Controller Method

Next add a new Controller Method to your class for retrieve and generate

public IActionResult HelloWorld()
    var path = _env.ContentRootPath;
    path = System.IO.Path.Combine(path, "Views", "PDF", "HelloWorld.pdfx");

    return this.PDF(path);

The PDF externsion method will read the PDF template from the path and generate the file to the response.


Testing your action

To create your pdf simply add a link to your action method in a view.

    <h2 class="display-4">Simple sample from the PDF Controller</h2>
        <li><a href='@Url.Action("HelloWorld","Home")' target='_blank'>Hello World PDF</a></li>


Running your application, you should see the link and clicking on it will open the pdf in a new tab or window.


Further reading

You can read more about what you can do with scryber here