Using fonts and text styles - PD

PDF supports standard fonts. Scryber also supports the standard names of ‘sans-serif’, ‘serif’, ‘monospace’.

Fonts available in the current operating system that the application has access to, can also be used. They are referenced by their postscript name.

Fonts can also be dynamically included with the @font-face rule.

Scryber supports the use of the font fallback in styles.


scryber currently only supports True type &tm; and Open Type fonts - ttf (otf) and ttc (otc)

Built in fonts

The standard built in fonts with PDF readers that can be used in documents. These are as follows

  • sans-serif / Helvetica - Regular, Bold, Italic and Bold Italic.
  • serif / Times - Regular, Bold, Italic and Bold Italic.
  • monospace / Courier - Regular, Bold, Italic and Bold Italic.

If used, then if the font is available it will be embedded, as is best practice.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<html xmlns=''>
    <meta name="author" content="{@:DocAuthor}" />
    <style type="text/css">

            font-size: 20pt;
            padding: 4pt;

<body style="padding: 20pt">
    <div id="first" class="std-font" style="font-family:sans-serif">
        Helvetica is the default (sans-serif) font.<br/>
        Helvetica <b>Bold</b>, <i>Italic</i>, and <span style="font-weight:bold; font-style:italic">Bold Italic</span> are available.

    <div id="first" class="std-font" style="font-family:serif">
        Times is the serif font.<br />
        Times <b>Bold</b>, <i>Italic</i>, and <span style="font-weight:bold; font-style:italic">Bold Italic</span> are available.

    <div id="first" class="std-font" style="font-family:monospace">
        Courier is the monospaced font.<br />
        Courier <b>Bold</b>, <i>Italic</i>, and <span style="font-weight:bold; font-style:italic">Bold Italic</span> are available.


Using different fonts

Along with the standard fonts, scryber supports the systems fonts (the fonts in the Environment.SpecialFolder.Fonts). It does not support postscript font files but does support.

  • ttf & otf - A truetype font file or opentype font file.
  • ttc & otc - A truetype font collection (multiple styles) or open type collection

Fonts should be referred to by their Unicode Name, usually displayed through the font browser of the underlying operating system. Rather than the file name of the ttf or ttc file.


The following uses 3 different ttf fonts installed on the machine generating the document. But using the standard css font fallback if a font does not exist it can fall back to one of the known fonts

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<html xmlns=''>
    <title>System Font Files</title>
    <meta name="author" content="Scryber Team" />
    <style type="text/css">

            font-size: 20pt;
            padding: 4pt;

        .sans {
            font-family: 'Segoe UI', sans-serif;

            font-family: Optima, Times, Times New Roman, serif;

            font-family:'Avenir Next Condensed', sans-serif;

        .none {
            font-family: 'Made Up Font', monospace;
<body style="padding: 20pt">
    <div id="first" class="std-font sans">
        Segoe UI is used from a font style from the system fonts.<br />
        Segoe UI <b>Bold</b>, <i>Italic</i>, and <span style="font-weight:bold; font-style:italic">Bold Italic</span> are also available.

    <div id="first" class="std-font serif">
        Optima is used from a font style from the system fonts.<br />
        Optima <b>Bold</b>, <i>Italic</i>, and <span style="font-weight:bold; font-style:italic">Bold Italic</span> are available.

    <div id="first" class="std-font avenir">
        Avenir Next Condensed is used from a font style from the system fonts.<br />
        Avenir Next Condensed <b>Bold</b>, <i>Italic</i>, and <span style="font-weight:bold; font-style:italic">Bold Italic</span> are available.

    <div id="first" class="std-font none">
        Fonts that are not avialable can use the fallback method.<br />
        They should also apply to <b>Bold</b>, <i>Italic</i>, and <span style="font-weight:bold; font-style:italic">Bold Italic</span> styles.

As the font is set to inherit, all child text components will use the specified font of the parent. If the font is changed, then all children will use the new font.


.woff or woff files are not currently supported, but these can be easily converted to their ttf components online. They may be supported in future.

Specifying the font in code

If it is needed to set the actual font in code then internally the PDFFontSelector class can be used. It has a constructor that takes the name of the font, and an overload that can be used to chain multiple selectors together.

If the language supports it, then ther is also an explict cast available to convert to a PDFFontSelector.

page.Style.Font.FontFamily = new PDFFontSelector("sans-serif");
page.FontFamily = new PDFFontSelector("Arial", new PDFFontSelector("sans-serif"));
page.FontFamily = (PDFFontSelector)"Arial, sans-serif";

Font face loading

Along with the standard and system installed fonts, scryber supports the importing and declaration of custom fonts from specific files.

These can either be relative to the current file, or an absolute url.

This is also a good way of specifying various weights, as scryber (currently) only supports the bold variant. It is on our list of todo’s.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


<html xmlns=''>
    <title>Fonts loaded directly</title>
    <meta name="author" content="Scryber Team" />
        link to google fonts API's.
    <link href=";800&amp;display=swap" rel="stylesheet" />
    <style type="text/css">

        /* Open light font file on the local drive */

        @font-face {
            src: url(../../Resources/OpenSans-Light.ttf) format('truetype');
            font-family: 'Open Light';

        /* Long Cang is downloaded from google but is cached locally */

        @font-face {
            font-family: 'Long Cang';
            font-style: normal;
            font-weight: 400;
            src: url( format('truetype');

        .std-font {
            font-size: 20pt;
            background-color: #AAA;
            padding: 4pt;
            margin-bottom: 10pt;

        /* Setting the classes to the fonts above */

        .sans {
            font-family: 'Open Light', monospace;

        .grafitti {
            font-family: 'Long Cang', serif;

        .broad {
            font-family: 'Big Shoulders Inline Display', sans-serif;

<body style="padding: 20pt">
    <div id="first" class="std-font sans">
        Open Sans Light is used from a font face declaration.<br />
        As we did not define <b>Bold</b>, <i>Italic</i>, or <span style="font-weight:bold; font-style:italic">Bold Italic</span> they are <u>not</u> available and will fallback.

    <div id="first" class="std-font grafitti">
        Long Kang is downloaded from the google fonts api.<br />
        No variations are idetnfied for the <b>bold</b> or <i>italic</i> are available.

    <div id="first" class="std-font broad">
        Big shoulders is used from a css file imported from the google fonts.<br />
        It does have a <b>Bold</b> variation, but not <i>Italic</i>.



The link for the font css from google is not XHTML compliant. The & parameter separator should be escaped to &amp; and the link tag closed ‘/>’

Text styles and decoration

Along with the bold and italic variants, scryber also supports underlines, strikethrough and overline text rendering features. As with HTML these are default styles, and can be altered as needed.

  • Bold
    • <b></b>
    • <strong></strong>
    • css {font-weight:bold;}
  • italic
    • <i></i>
    • <em></em>
    • css {font-style:italic;}
  • Underline
    • <u></u>
    • <ins></ins>
    • css { text-decoration:underline;}
  • StrikeThrough
    • <strike></strike>
    • <del></del>
    • css { text-decoration: line-through; }
  • Overline
    • css { text-decoration: overline; }

As with css text-decoration values can be combined e.g. ‘line-through underline’ , and the decorations will flow across lines.

Scryber does not (currently) support the text-decoration-color or text-decoration-style.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<html xmlns=''>
    <title>Fonts decorations</title>
    <meta name="author" content="Scryber Team" />
    <style type="text/css">

        .std-font {
            font-size: 20pt;
            background-color: #AAA;
            padding: 4pt;
            margin-bottom: 10pt;
            font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;

        .railway{ text-decoration: overline underline; color: red;}

<body style="padding: 20pt">
    <div id="first" class="std-font">
        Segoe UI is used from a system font<br />
        <strong>Strong is Bold</strong>, <em>Em(phasis) is Italic</em>.
        <ins>Ins(ert) is underlined</ins> and <del>del(eted) is strike through.</del>

    <div id="first" class="std-font">
        The decorations can be combined by multiple tags<br />
        Such as <b><em><u>Bold italic underlined</u></em></b>
        or by the style <span class="railway" >over and under lined.</span>

    <div class="std-font" style="font-weight:bold; text-decoration: underline;" >
        The decoration will flow down into child tags.
        <div style="margin:0 30pt 0 30pt; font-size:12pt">And any inner content can
            <span style="font-weight:normal; text-decoration: overline;">override the settings</span>
            as needed.

Line height (leading)

The leading is the height of the lines including ascenders and descenders. The default is set by the font (usually about 120% of the font size), but can be manually adjusted as needed.

Inline components will ignore the block level style for leading. The value must be a unit value rather than a relative percent.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<html xmlns=''>
    <title>Line Height</title>
    <meta name="author" content="Scryber Team" />
    <style type="text/css">

        .std-font {
            font-size: 20pt;
            background-color: #AAA;
            padding: 4pt;
            margin-bottom: 10pt;
            font-family: Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;

            font-size: 40pt;

            line-height: 50pt;

<body style="padding: 20pt">
    <div id="first" class="std-font">
        Lines will follow the standard line height<br/>
        Set by the font for general reading.<br/>
        <span class="big">If a larger font-size is used, then this will increase the line height.</span>
        Rolling back to the default size on any following new lines.

    <div class="std-font high" >An explicit line height can be used to increase (or decrease) the
    leading. <span class="big">This is not affected by a change in the font size</span> and will continue
    to maintain a standard height.</div>

    <div class="std-font" style="line-height: 22pt" >It is also allowed to be less than
    the <span class="big">size of the font text</span> although this does affect readability.</div>

Multi-byte Characters

Scryber supports multi-byte characters, anywhere in the document. Whether that is only a couple of characters, or whole paragraphs.


The font used must also support the charcter glyphs that need to be drawn. If they are not in the font, then they cannot be rendered by the reader.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<html xmlns=''>
    <title>Line Height</title>
    <meta name="author" content="Scryber Team" />
    <style type="text/css">

        .std-font {
            font-size: 20pt;
            background-color: #AAA;
            padding: 4pt;
            margin-bottom: 10pt;
            font-family: 'Microsoft JhengHei UI', sans-serif;

            font-size: 40pt;

            line-height: 50pt;

<body style="padding: 20pt">
    <div class="std-font">
        好角野成集顧演委事被対断陣前考武。<br />
        <br />
    <!-- mixed character sets, with leading and spacing -->
    <div class="std-font">
        We can intermix the characters 記第功際被治年待中所正向持。害供雪指載載道表職渉彩明文界早琶。本要逆使健貿市執多格紙録指璧。
        <span style='font-family:"Segoe UI";'>
            But the font must contain the glyphs.


Due to the size of most unicode font files with thousands of glyphs, using and embedding a unicode font can dramatically increase the size of the pdf file. The example above came in at 23Mb without any images. Beware!

Right to Left

Scryber doesn’t currently support Right to left (or vertical) typography. At the moment we have have not seen it done anywhere due to limitiations in postscript and the pdf document. But we will keep trying.